Tuesday, 13 August 2013

23 Week scare, starting the 24th Week and Pain!

I have been a bit quiet on the blogging front recently and that's because I have been struggling.. but now I have 10 minutes I'm making myself write it down so I don't forget!
Rocket this week :)

When I was just over 23 weeks I was having cramps accompanied with backache for 3 days on and off but it wasn't regular like contractions, however nothing I did or how I moved stopped them and the fact it was with back pain and having previously gone premature I was terrified. So after the 3rd day I called the labour ward and they told me to come in and get checked.

Baby was moving fine, hes a good strong mover in there and the midwife was shocked how hard he kicked her when she had the monitor on for just being 23 weeks!
 My temperature, urine and everything was fine and the doctor came in and had a chat. It was the scariest chat ever as she had to tell me that if baby did come now they wouldn't do anything to save him.. not til 3 days later when I would hit 24 weeks.. I was then scared as I wanted to know my cervix was closed..

Which it was *massive sigh of relief*, however she said this didn't mean that I wouldn't go into labour at anytime, just that the cramps I had been having hadn't done anything to dialate my cervix - that was a blessing. Off I went home.

When I reached 24 weeks I was so happy, its a big milestone for me. I have alot of anxiety with this pregnancy and now knowing he is considered 'viable' if he was to be born he would have a chance and every week I go from not on is another milestone for my silly anxiety (which I am seeing a midwife councillor about still..)

My HMS has been awful, to the point where waiting the 2 hours for my Glucose Tolerance Test was almost too much and the back pain was so strong I was on the verge of tears. Its really hard as this little baby is wanted sooo much but the pain I'm experiencing is making me feel bad about everything.

I had a bad pregnancy with Rocket, I do remember that but it wasn't til much later (29-30 weeks) that the pain was getting too much and this time 24 weeks seems very early. I have my crutches for when I'm bad but I don't think it's SPD, just the HMS flared up.

Heat bags and paracetamols are all I can do at the moment as my cocodamol makes me feel unwell during pregnancy so I try not to take it until its really really bad.

On a good note my little man is wriggling alot and this morning he was woken by the hoover going, that made me laugh!! and Rocket has been taking about when baby comes and that makes me smile :) I adore my boys and cannot wait to see them together!

Royal Baby Bliss with BRITAX

Having had my last son premature at 34 weeks, I saw what little babies go through in special care and how much love is given to them to get them through those tough times in special care.

 Bliss was helpful to me as a new mum of a preemie and I was given lots of support and information to help me on my way with my little boy.

 No one knows what will happen with Bumble and when he will come into the world, I am hoping desperately he makes it to term but after the last experience I am mentally preparing myself just incase and I know if I needed it the support from Bliss would be there for me again.

That why I am over the moon to tell you that Britax are launching a Royal themed fundraising drive just for Bliss!!

Just 150 units of the BABY SAFE plus SHR II car seat have been created in the exact same limited edition fabric design that HRH Prince George was seen in leaving the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in.  These seats will go on sale for £129.99 to the public with all proceeds being donated to the charity. 

I imagine these will go shockingly quick so If you'd like to own one for your little Royal and help raise money for Bliss at the same time then you can find them at


BRITAX has been manufacturing child car seats and travel systems since 1966.
BRITAX has research & development centres in Germany and the UK where designers and engineers use state-of-the-art facilities, including their own test rigs, to pioneer innovative products and set safety standards, such as ISOFIX technology. The expertise BRITAX develops is regularly shared with governmental and safety experts worldwide.
Top European test organisations, such as independent motoring and consumer organisations consistently rate BRITAX amongst the best – and constantly exceed legal safety requirements. 80% of all cars rated by Euro NCAP in 2011 have tested with at least one of our seats during their independent crash test assessments.
BRITAX is the leader of rearward facing car seats in the Nordic regions.

About Bliss:

Bliss is a registered charity no 1002973 and Scottish registered charity SC040878.
Bliss, the special care baby charity, is dedicated to ensuring that all babies born too soon, too small or too sick in the UK have the best possible chance of survival and of reaching their full potential. It does this by:
-          Providing practical and emotional support for families during an extremely difficult time, so they can give the best care to their babies
-          Providing training and support for doctors and nurses, funding specialist Bliss Family-Centred Care Nurses in hospitals and funding research to improve the care of all premature and sick babies
-          Raising awareness of the issues affecting special care babies and fight for essential change within government and the NHS